
GETP Becomes WOQOD (Qatar Fuel) Approved LPG Contractor

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We proudly inform that GETP Group has become approved LPG contractor for Qatar Fuel (WOQOD) and obtained official license for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of Bulk LPG systems for consumers.

GETP will be one of the eight approved contractors in the field.

Please find our credentials displayed in WOQOD website for reference.

What are the benefits of an approved Gas contractor?

For Bulk LPG customers and Natural Gas Customers it is mandatory to perform maintenance of the installation once in every year. Only approved contractor can perform the same.

An approved gas contractor exclusively chosen for Supply and installation of Bulk LPG systems for Restaurants & Villas, Natural/ Synthetic Gas systems for commercial and industrial requirements.

In addition to above we are equipped to cater:

Design, Engineering & Installation of Central LPG systems.

Installation for LPG, NG and SNG piped gas distribution network systems.

Operations & Maintenance of bulk LPG systems and gas networks. 

24x7 Emergency response team for immediate assistance for operations and maintenance. 

Installation and maintenance of centralized gas detection system.

Installation and maintenance of LPG & Natural Gas pressure reducing and metering stations.

Developing Operation & Maintenance Manuals, LPG Plant Maintenance & Operation and Safety Training.

Extension and modification of existing gas piping infrastructure. 

Design, Engineering & Installation of fuel systems for emergency backup generators and dispensing stations.


For more detailed information, please visit our website: